Thursday, March 09, 2006


I was brainwashed in AA, there is no doubt in my mind about now. For years I struggled in the cult but never quite got 100% taken in. However to a large extent I was taken in by the lies. I'm not hard on myself, after all I was in a very bad way back then.
They say in AA that nothing happens by mistake, that God is in control. I guess by that logic one can only come to the conclusion that God is evil. What else can one call a power that allows people to be tortured to death, war, famine. And so AA does nothing to contribute to society, since they believe God is doing His will all of the time. The true believers sit around self righteously proclaiming that God has chosen them. They make me sick. This whole 'Recovery' business makes me sick. They hurt and kill.
One young man who kept coming into the meetings but couldn't get sober killed himself, after walking out of I meeting I had chaired. The message he was getting was that AA was the only way... or death. Well he chose death; we killed him by our ignorance. He could have been saved had he seen a professional counsellor or a doctor. He could have been prescribed medication to help him cope. Nobody suggested professional help, just "go to meetings" "read the Big Book" "get a sponser".
I think the saddest case was of Bobby (not real name). Bobby had been going to meetings for years. He was always in pain. He needed real medical help but was told he didn't need meds. He threw himself in the harbour. He left behind a wife and two young children.
Few care when a member dies. You would be shocked to see how cold they are, how indifferent they are.
AA must be exposed and destroyed.


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