Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bizarre Rant

Check out this rant from a Alcoholics Anonymous member http://orange-papers.org/orange-letters40.heml Scroll down to this letter from 'bermanisfat'. Note how he, or indeed any cult members letters, fails to provide any evidence that the Steps works. Another curious thing cult members often say, or words to the effect are, "Sure you'll write a big long reply back". This tells me they are actually aware that they will get an intelligent reply. This sick individual accuses Orange of having an angry red face when that is exactly how I imagined the author of the letter. This must surely be a classical case of projection (as defined in psychology). He also makes bizarre assumptions about Orange. He says he will write again as if it is a threat. Well he's already made a fool of himself. All he did was attack Orange. He even had to make up some kind of fantasy about Orange's life and they way he lives in order to attack him. This is truely the strangest letter (but there are others by cult members). Ladys and gentle men! I present for you today.... a 12 Step true believer!

UPDATE. I just checked the above link. It doesn't go to the letter. Use the link then go to 'home', scroll down to letters number 40, then scroll down until you get to a letter by 'bermanisfat' (Berman is probably angry as well as fat... maybe that's why he's angry!) Anyway that's the fruit cake.


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