1 We admitted we were powerful, that we could manage our own lives
2 Took responsibility for ourselves
3 Made a decision to take our own will back and to think for ourselves
4 Made an inventory of our good and bad points
5 Reflected deeply on these points
6 Were ready to grow up
7 Got of our knees!
8 Thought about those we had harmed and those who harmed us, and how it has shaped our lives...
9 ... then moved on and forgot about it
10 Continued to grow and love ourselves
11 Understand that if God exists He gave us a brain and a will for a reason, and that the idea of turning our will over to him/her/it was illogical and irresponsible
12 Having deprogrammed our minds of superstitous nonsense we played our part in destroying Alcoholics Anonymous.
Write a blog of your experience.
Write to mental health experts. Most will perhaps ignore you but you must try. I have written to FOUR. ALL ignored me and refused to debate the issue. I will keep trying with others. Remember AA DOES NOT WORK. That is proven! Dr. Vaillant found, over an 8 year period that AA was no better down 5%, which is the rate of spontaneous remmision among alcoholics. He found the death rate among members "appalling". Vaillant is a leader in AA but had to come clean because his research was state funded. There has only been FOUR good tests on AA and they all show AA to be a failure. There are 100 tests that show AA works! Bullshit! These tests had NO CONTROL GROUP. They are a fraud and a lie! see the
Write to politicians
Tell as many people as possible about your experience. I have, and I have convinced three people to leave the cult. These people were deeply unhappy. I am very unpopular among AA members in my local area but nuts to it. But be careful. Remember you're dealing with religious fanatics.
Whatever you do, play your part, however small it may seem. You may actually save a human being's life. The Anti-AA community is growing.
2 Took responsibility for ourselves
3 Made a decision to take our own will back and to think for ourselves
4 Made an inventory of our good and bad points
5 Reflected deeply on these points
6 Were ready to grow up
7 Got of our knees!
8 Thought about those we had harmed and those who harmed us, and how it has shaped our lives...
9 ... then moved on and forgot about it
10 Continued to grow and love ourselves
11 Understand that if God exists He gave us a brain and a will for a reason, and that the idea of turning our will over to him/her/it was illogical and irresponsible
12 Having deprogrammed our minds of superstitous nonsense we played our part in destroying Alcoholics Anonymous.
Write a blog of your experience.
Write to mental health experts. Most will perhaps ignore you but you must try. I have written to FOUR. ALL ignored me and refused to debate the issue. I will keep trying with others. Remember AA DOES NOT WORK. That is proven! Dr. Vaillant found, over an 8 year period that AA was no better down 5%, which is the rate of spontaneous remmision among alcoholics. He found the death rate among members "appalling". Vaillant is a leader in AA but had to come clean because his research was state funded. There has only been FOUR good tests on AA and they all show AA to be a failure. There are 100 tests that show AA works! Bullshit! These tests had NO CONTROL GROUP. They are a fraud and a lie! see the
Write to politicians
Tell as many people as possible about your experience. I have, and I have convinced three people to leave the cult. These people were deeply unhappy. I am very unpopular among AA members in my local area but nuts to it. But be careful. Remember you're dealing with religious fanatics.
Whatever you do, play your part, however small it may seem. You may actually save a human being's life. The Anti-AA community is growing.
I am in AA and trying to leave, it has been nearly three years and find it so punitive. Did you find an alternative?
Anonymous, at 7:49 AM
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