Mairtin, I just read your page, and I want to say congratulations to you! I am heading towards deprogramming after being chemical free for over three years, and have been "waking up" to the contradictions and cognitive dissonance in the AA literature. It's tough, and I'm feeling like an extreme headcase at times. What helps is reading your posts, and having an understanding girlfriend who is not affiliated with the cult. I hope you keep writing, because it's loaned me much hope. Chris
Hi Chris, I don't write here very much but intend to again. I am delighted that you find comfort here. Trust me you will be fine. AA brainwashing is powerful. They had my brain in a tight clamp, but now it's gone, thank goodness. You might also want to check the Orange Papers if you haven't already. There are good suggestions there. It was quite shocking for me to discover how much I'd been brainwashed. Those AA true believers really disturb me today: Their lack of self-awareness is astounding. You and I are lucky, Chris. I wish you the very best of luck.
Hello again, Mairtin! I broke free of AA (finally) in January 2007, had a rocky ride for a while, tried some alternate (i.e. "valid") alcohol group supports (SOS, SMART), finally joined HAMS (an alcohol harm reduction group). It, along with Orange Papers and the WithoutAA Yahoo group, has helped me immensely. If you're interested, I'll be glad to post a link to your blog on my own Blogger site, where the subject is drinking, with emphasis on poking holes in AA, along with exploring harm reduction as a viable option for problem drinkers (I have pitched the term "alcoholism" and all its conjugations since my last meeting). I'm glad to see your blog is still here, and hope that your efforts to help others in Dublin are going well. Also, I agree with you that we are indeed lucky. Looking to share the wealth with other malcontent AAs in my area who are "sick and tired" (heh!). Much regards, Chris
Hi Chris, thatnks for your comment. Good to hear from you. I really am a lazy writer so don't write here much, or at all really, but was delighted that you visited. I really enjoy the orange papers. I love the propaganda tricks he writes of. The can be used in many arguments, not just alcoholism. As for AA I detest now more than ever. They tried to recruit my girlfriend and told her to keep away from me! Thankfully she thinks they're all fruitcakes. I am convinced more that ever that it's a cult. They're rotton all of them. I keep passing the message to alcoholics in my area and the cult don't like it. Hehe!! It is fun though!! Keep in touch Chris. You can indeed link this blog. It might just renew my interest in writing on the subject!
Mairtin, I just read your page, and I want to say congratulations to you! I am heading towards deprogramming after being chemical free for over three years, and have been "waking up" to the contradictions and cognitive dissonance in the AA literature. It's tough, and I'm feeling like an extreme headcase at times. What helps is reading your posts, and having an understanding girlfriend who is not affiliated with the cult.
I hope you keep writing, because it's loaned me much hope. Chris
Anonymous, at 9:29 PM
Hi Chris, I don't write here very much but intend to again. I am delighted that you find comfort here. Trust me you will be fine. AA brainwashing is powerful. They had my brain in a tight clamp, but now it's gone, thank goodness. You might also want to check the Orange Papers if you haven't already. There are good suggestions there.
It was quite shocking for me to discover how much I'd been brainwashed. Those AA true believers really disturb me today: Their lack of self-awareness is astounding. You and I are lucky, Chris. I wish you the very best of luck.
Mairtin, at 12:53 AM
Hello again, Mairtin!
I broke free of AA (finally) in January 2007, had a rocky ride for a while, tried some alternate (i.e. "valid") alcohol group supports (SOS, SMART), finally joined HAMS (an alcohol harm reduction group). It, along with Orange Papers and the WithoutAA Yahoo group, has helped me immensely.
If you're interested, I'll be glad to post a link to your blog on my own Blogger site, where the subject is drinking, with emphasis on poking holes in AA, along with exploring harm reduction as a viable option for problem drinkers (I have pitched the term "alcoholism" and all its conjugations since my last meeting).
I'm glad to see your blog is still here, and hope that your efforts to help others in Dublin are going well. Also, I agree with you that we are indeed lucky. Looking to share the wealth with other malcontent AAs in my area who are "sick and tired" (heh!).
Much regards,
B.S. Mechanic, at 2:53 PM
Hi Chris, thatnks for your comment. Good to hear from you. I really am a lazy writer so don't write here much, or at all really, but was delighted that you visited.
I really enjoy the orange papers. I love the propaganda tricks he writes of. The can be used in many arguments, not just alcoholism.
As for AA I detest now more than ever. They tried to recruit my girlfriend and told her to keep away from me! Thankfully she thinks they're all fruitcakes.
I am convinced more that ever that it's a cult. They're rotton all of them. I keep passing the message to alcoholics in my area and the cult don't like it. Hehe!! It is fun though!!
Keep in touch Chris. You can indeed link this blog. It might just renew my interest in writing on the subject!
Unknown, at 2:50 AM
Yup! You have done the right thing,stay away it's not a good place
Anonymous, at 1:26 AM
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