Thursday, April 20, 2006

just some thoughts

I've met a lot of members since leaving the AA cult and openly told them that I have left. You know what is so interesting? None of them asked me if I was drinking! Isn't AA a quit drinking program? (of course not). One member said to me: "Well I am mature enough to wish you well". Imagine going to another self help group; lets say for marriage break ups. I go for a few years, feel very well, then leave and find I now feel strong and happy and free; I meet a person still a member, and he or she says, "well I am mature enough to wish you well". Is there any reason in the world for him or her to not wish me well?
It is meeting people like this guy (who's actually a nice guy), who come out with such statements, that convince me that AA is a cult. They are not interested in people who quit drinking unless they are a member of their organisation. It does not matter if one is sober or not. What matters is that people attend their cult meetings. Their are several members who will not speak to me or greet me at all. Yet when I was a member they talked to me. So you see many don't give a shit about their fellow alcoholics at all. I must state however that there are nice people in AA, and they are still nice to me. They are the people who don't swallow all the bullshit of Bill Wilson. Nevertheless they do not change the philosophy or dynamics of AA group meetings. They do though play their part. They try to change AA with-in. I try, in a very small way, to change AA with-out. I owe it to my dead friends...


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